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  Personal Info
First Name:
Last Name:
Your Age:
Your Hometown:
Email Address:
(Your email address will only be used for club purposes)
  About Your MG
Model of MG:
Second MG:
Model Year(s):
Car Color:
Years of Ownership:
What makes
your MG unique:
What makes you unique
(special interests):
  Club Preferences
Suggestions for
club events:
Location Preferences:
Frequency you
can meet:
Preferred Day:
How did you hear
about us:
Thanks for taking the time to fill this out. By submitting this form, you are joining a fun, free, no-obligation club. Your information will be used for club purposes only. It will not be given to anyone outside the club without your consent. You can leave the club at any time, but why would you want to? It's free, remember? Now go ahead and click that button...