Winter Olympics. The Presidential Election. Leap Year.
The Safety Fast Club’s Quadrennial Drive. What do these
things have in common? If you answered, “The Jamaican
Bobsled Team” you are wrong, sorry. They all occur once
every four years. Well, this is the first-ever Quadrennial
Drive, so maybe it’s too early to claim it happens every
four years. Besides, February 29th, 2008 is a Friday so who
knows what will happen. But every tradition must start somehow!
Quadrennial (from Merriam-Webster)
Pronunciation: kwä-'dre-nE-&l
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1656
1 : consisting of or lasting for four years
2 : occurring or being done every four years
Dennis and Sue Byron, red 1970 MGB
John Fredericks and son Thomas, grey 1958 Magnette
Doug and Connie Hollander, bracken 1976 MGB
Andy and Marla Preston, damask red 1974 MGB GT
Gina Seghi and Graham, brg 1967 MGB GT
Dan and Nancy Watson, citron 1974 MGB
Troy Witzel and Marsha Stollar, red 1967 MGB